PsyPack 7 BESTIAL BASS TERROR by PsychoTron/PTM [ Module ] Style: HardCore Techno 15o BPM at Speed o2 o8 channels 3:4o mins Playing Lenght [ Software ] ScreamTracker 3.o3 (non-official) [ Greetinx (no order)] Amber, Freeze, Slowhand, KKi, Lord Rocko, Sir Flo, BongHed, Psionic, Templer, Skaven, Frame, Yann, Yazz, Cyberpunk, Zteel, Hurricane, Patriot, Tom, EnJoy, Chaos, Tobe, Electron, Doc Maxwell, Sir Roger and everybody I may have forgotten... That's it! See ya dudes, signed [PsychoTron/Post Mortem].